This week, we asked some of the undergraduate researchers in our lab to introduce themselves. We are pleased to introduce Sabrina, Yanelyn, and Becca!


Sabrina Sangha

HI! My name is Sabrina, I am a current fourth year student, hoping to pursue a career in the medical field in the future. I hope to work alongside others as a team to help future patients in the hospital environment. I am also eager to pursue side careers in fashion design, art, writing and hopefully work in forensics one day as well. Life is an adventure and at every corner there is a challenge to add excitement to the experience. I hope to get involved as much as I can and learn more in the process. I feel the experience of helping in research is a gift, and I cherish being able to assist such amazing individuals in their expertise.


Yanelyn Perez

Hey everyone! My name is Yanelyn and I am currently a third year zoology major. I really love working with and learning about animals of all kinds, so I hope to have a career in research when I graduate from UCSB. I am currently interested herpetology, parasitology, animal physiology, and disease ecology since I find all these things super enticing and exciting to read about. I also really enjoy being outdoors as much as I can and am constantly going on hikes, kayaking, and surfing on the weekends if I have spare time; I would love to one day travel to different ecosystems and do research.  All in all, I am ecstatic to be apart of this lab and grateful for all the people I have met and opportunities it has given me!


Rebecca Abel

Hi! My name is Becca and I am currently a fourth year double majoring in Biology and Environmental Science. I started working in the Briggs Lab the summer before my junior year where I was able to assist on multiple hands on projects and work with the amphibians. I love learning more about the animals and the systems thinking of disease ecology. Last summer, I was able to assist a graduate student in the field where we collected abiotic samples at multiple UC reserves to test for disease reservoirs in these areas. I am also working on an independent project looking at the ability of the chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis to live and grow in different soil types.